Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Don’t know why I thought about this today … but one of the most surprisingly witty things I ever heard said was –

Twenty-plus years ago, my singer was booking my band at a club somewhere in Jersey City or Newark. Our pre-Grunge post-hair-band band was called “Subtle Hint.” Since we were just starting out and were nobodies, we basically had to do all the legwork for our shows. But we did have to book the club a week or two in advance so we’d have stage time.

Anyway, making the call, the “promoter” – the old, drugged-out dude responsible for booking bands at the club – asked my friend the name of our band.

“Subtle Hint.”

“Any dots over the U?” *

Without missing a beat my singer says, “Just a dot over the I.”

And I, across the room and not really paying attention, doubled over in laughter.

* As in Motley Crüe

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