Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bad Joke


What do you call a small category?


A kittygory!

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Okay, really really bad. What's worse is that I'm having quite the technical difficulties with Blogger. Starting sometime late last week, I suddenly lost the ability to edit my entry with the wysiwyg-thingie, and have to enter it in html with all the annoying tags and whatnot. Very trial by error, mostly error. As a result, it takes even longer to post the darn blog entry than it took to write it. Oh, and now I can't post pictures or video.

What could be wrong? I dunno. Gotta troubleshoot it. Try posting on another PC, like my wife's laptop or our iPad. Maybe I need to upgrade IE on my model-T PC; the version I used up to last Friday with no problem was IE 8, now I see Microsoft is up to IE 10. But I haven't the time or patience today to do any of that right now. Perhaps later in the week. I'll try to post at least something - even if a really bad joke - every day until I can get things up and running again.

Thanks for stoppin' by ... please check back tomorrow!

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