Monday, July 29, 2013

Fighting Something

Hi. For about the past week or so I’ve been fighting something low-grade attacking my system. Not sure what it is exactly. Symptoms: fatigue, light-headedness to dizziness, occasional unpleasantness in the bathroom. Flu? The symptoms seem to come and go. Not nauseous, either. So, I’m not sure what’s going on save that I have very little energy to bang something out right now for the Hopper.

That being said, let me bang something out right now for the Hopper.

I am finishing up Clive Cussler’s Cyclops; should put it away tonight. I’m looking to start a re-read of Watership Down in a couple of days, so my short-short-term goal was to read five short SF paperbacks before that. Well, I did read Splinter of the Mind’s Eye and Omnivore, but Cyclops itself is about two-to-three short SF paperbacks in itself. So I will consider that goal attained. For the next two days I picked out a half-dozen short stories from a compendium of “Weird” and “Eerie” tales. Should be interesting reading and, hopefully, blogging.

Bonus – funniest thing I heard this week … Jay Leno: In his economy speech President Obama said we've all been distracted by phony scandals. He prefers we be distracted by his phony recovery.

Ouch but true.

Wish me well and see you tomorrow.

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