Sunday, July 14, 2013

Race God Must Be Appeased

21st-century America no longer worships the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. No, 21st-century America worships of pantheon of Pagan gods. In the thought of Mark Shea, a catholic apologist and blogger way more perceptive in these matters than myself, these gods are called Mars, Venus, and Moloch. You know, the gods of war, sex, and abortion.

Jay Nordlinger, columnist over at the National Review, believes America’s primary pagan god is Race. The Race God interjects himself in everything from politics to pop culture to economics and academics and – you name it. He is there. And in all things – even things barely remotely racial in nature – the Race God Must Be Appeased.

More and more do I believe this is true.

I write this in the wake of the George Zimmerman trial. I was not close to it; nor did I follow it on a daily basis. But I was aware of the media’s smearing and assassinating of Zimmerman’s character … in other words, doing the bidding of the Race God. Guilty or no, I don’t hold with that. Nor do I think it fair that they consistently pictured Trayvon Martin as an angelic pre-teen via the pictures they would air, as opposed to the wanna-be thug more recent photos revealed him to be, or at least aspire to. The media unfairly convicted George Zimmerman of cold-blooded racially-motivated murder days after the initial incident, and months before yesterday’s verdict of Not Guilty.

Truth be told, I expected him to be convicted of some degree of manslaughter. This despite the initial police investigation finding him to have acted in accordance with justifiable self-defense. So I was honestly surprised to hear the result of the trial late last night. Not happy or pleased – a young man is dead and another young man’s life is ruined – but surprised that six jurors were able to rise above the demands of the Race God. They alone had access to all the factual evidence admitted into Zimmerman’s trial, were ringside to hear the examination and cross-examination of witnesses and experts, and they arrived at a Not Guilty verdict.

Now I hear rumors of Sharpton, true Apostle of the Race God, agitating at the bidding of his true master. Obama and Holder are contemplating charging Zimmerman on a federal level of violating Martin’s “civil rights,” if in fact they have not done so already. Obama the post-racial healer – remember that? They are all but servants of the Race God –

And the Race God Must Be Appeased.

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